I've decided for a couple of reasons to move this blog to a different host. I've been using Typepad for the past six years, but I've noticed in the last two years or so that the company running the service has been investing less time in adding new features. I'm particularly frustrated with the lack of support for people viewing the site on mobile devices like a smart phone or on an iPad or tablet computer. Plus, Typepad is pretty expensive for what I'm getting.
I've decided to move to WordPress. That looks to me to be the best supported blogging service right now. It has excellent support for mobile devices and it's much less expensive. And since I pay all the expenses out of pocket for what is essentially a hobby, saving a little money right now is a good thing.
Years ago I registered the domain "www.entangledstates.org". That domain is mapped to the blog on TypePad. The actual, for real address of this blog is http://wnknisely.typepad.com. That address will work, probably indefinitely, so if you'd like to come back here to see the old site, you'll want to bookmark that link.
The new site is at http://wnknisely.wordpress.com. I've migrated all the existing content over to the new site. It looks like all the comments have come over properly. There's a post there that points out what is missing on the new site from this site, and I'll add or subtract on that list as I figure out other things that need to be fixed.
In a couple of days I'll point the domain that I own (www.entangledstates.org) to stop pointing at this site and aim it at the new site. At that point your bookmarks will automatically take you to the new site. I'll be linking my twitter and facebook feeds to the new site as well. For most of you it should all happen magically and behind the scenes.
For those 60 or so of you who have been getting these posts by email, I think you'll need to resubscribe on the new site. The link to do so is right where it is here - on the upper righthand corner. I can't unsubscribe from the old site and resubscribe you. That's something you'll need to do yourself. Sorry.
The 200 or so of you subscribing to the RSS feed, I think that might just update automatically... Give me a few days and I'll know for sure. It depends how I set it up in the first place. That was 5 years ago and I'm not sure I remember the details of how I did it.
I'm looking forward to the new site, to the new tools it has, and to what's going to come next. I've been kicking around a few ideas in my head. Blogging is now different with the rise of Facebook and Twitter. I don't think I'll ever get back to posting multiple things a day like I was when I was posting Anglican and Episcopal news (which we do much better over on the Episcopal Cafe anyhow). But I'm thinking it's time to broaden the focus of the blog again. Maybe a little more technology and the Episcopal Church posting is in order...
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